Un paio di anni fa un mio caro amico, se avesse trovato un recapito attendibile, avrebbe inviato all'astronauta-pittore Alan Bean la lettera riportata qui di seguito. Ricordo benissimo la trasmissione dal vivo fallita di cui parla. La delusione allora fu proprio grande.
Dear Alan Bean
When you walked on the Moon I was 14 years old. I was sitting in front of our black and white television set and followed with great enthusiasm the live transmission from the Moon. Then, accidentally, you exposed the lens of the camera to the direct sunlight and on Earth the show was terminated. I was really disappointed and I hated you for your inattention. But many many years later I discovered your fantastic online museum and saw your paintings, so full of colors and expressing such an optimism! You caused the failure of the camera on the Moon, but these pictures were much better. Now the name Alan Bean means something very different to me. You really surprised me and I hope I will continue to discover lots of new paintings in your virtual museum.
With my best wishes
Ciò mi ha fatto ricordare che esiste anche un cosmonauta artista: Alexey Leonov. In Internet si riescono a scovare alcune poche riproduzioni di opere sue.
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